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Kakva promena


- Nisam imala samopouzdanja ni ljubavi za sebe pa bih samo jela i bila lenja. Nisam znala šta da radim, retko sam uopšte napuštala kuću - priča ona

Objavljeno: 07:58h

Za Megan Gilbert (21) iz Dalasa u Teksasu srednja škola je bila pakao: svi u odeljenju su je maltretirali jer je bila predebela - težina joj je išla i do 100 kilograma.

Posle toga, Megan je odlučila da promeni neke stvari u svom životu, i posvetila se fitnesu, da bi 3 godine posle bila fitnes model i inspiracija za druge.

A good friend of mine took my senior prom photos in high school, and when I received them on a CD, I threw it on the ground and stomped it to pieces with a river of tears flowing. Since that day, I couldn't find one prom picture. Thankfully I got them back. The girl on the left was not the Meg that I am today. I started popping pills when i was 14, and had a binge eating disorder since I was very little. That led to depression and self worth issues. People bullied me but I also bullied myself.. the drugs kept getting worse I hated myself more and more by day, until binge eating turned into anorexia. I had an overdose in 2014. No one found me. I was alone. I remember having a vision of seeing my body laying on the floor with my dog pacing back and forth at my feet. By the grace of God, I woke up. I saw the tattoo on my foot "walk by faith not by sight" and I picked up my things and left college. From the moment I woke up and saw that, I knew I needed to change. I told depression no. I told Satan no. I followed God and learned to love my body and every flaw about myself. I embraced life. I found the gym and we have been in a relationship since June of 2015... HE NEVER CHEATS? the gym taught me persistence, hope, consistance, and how to grow. I learned to take pain and use it to make myself stronger. It starts in your MIND! Change your mindset, pick up your feet, and get to the gym. WORKOUT PLAN IS COMING; i pinky promise it will launching AUGUST 1st!. ❤️ #YouCantGetTheAssYouWantBySittingOnIt ?

A post shared by Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) on

Megan kaže da je problem sa ishranom razvila na jednom krstarenju, gde je hrane bilo u neograničenim količinama, a maltretiranje u školi ju je samo podsticalo da jede još više i upada u veću depresiju.

C O N F I D E N C E // has been a new thing for me. Growing up, I would wear jeans in 100 degrees heat because I didn't want to show my cellulite filled legs. Some times people would always joke about my "cottage cheese". I was depressed, but I did not know how to get out of it. I didn't know how to change. So I ate more. I was clueless.. once I hit around 200 lbs, I started to starve myself. Over time, my brain started to wire itself to hate food. I started falling apart, partying almost every night. I did not have God in my life at all. I fell apart, and had an over dose with my medication.. When I woke up, I looked down at my foot tattoo that says "Walk by Faith, not by Sight". That's when I knew I was on the wrong path doing the wrong thing.. this was not the answer. I packed up my things and I went back to my parents in Dallas. I stayed in my room for almost a month, but every day I would jog to the park and do lunges and squats. Other than that, nothing else. I started to pray again and stop sinning. I met my old trainer, and he helped me through everything.. he taught me how to workout and how to meal prep. So I committed 110%. I did cardio in the morning and lifting at night. Every day. After about a month I stopped doing as much cardio and moved over to strictly lifting, and I lost the rest of my weight and gained muscle ??? Eating disorders never go away, but we can fight them. When you learn to love yourself and have confidence, it's so much easier to take care of yourself. With God, all things are possible. PLEASE SHARE OR TAG SOMEONE WHO NEEDS MOTIVATION!! I didn't go through all of this for nothing, But so I can help inspire and relate to people. I would love for you to help share my story to help save and change people's life for the better 200lbs-130lbs

A post shared by Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) on

- Nisam imala samopouzdanja ni ljubavi za sebe pa bih samo jela i bila lenja. Nisam znala šta da radim, retko sam uopšte napuštala kuću - priča ona.

Danas Megan teži oko 60 kilograma.

A good friend of mine took my senior prom photos in high school, and when I received them on a CD, I threw it on the ground and stomped it to pieces with a river of tears flowing. Since that day, I couldn't find one prom picture. Thankfully I got them back. The girl on the left was not the Meg that I am today. I started popping pills when i was 14, and had a binge eating disorder since I was very little. That led to depression and self worth issues. People bullied me but I also bullied myself.. the drugs kept getting worse I hated myself more and more by day, until binge eating turned into anorexia. I had an overdose in 2014. No one found me. I was alone. I remember having a vision of seeing my body laying on the floor with my dog pacing back and forth at my feet. By the grace of God, I woke up. I saw the tattoo on my foot "walk by faith not by sight" and I picked up my things and left college. From the moment I woke up and saw that, I knew I needed to change. I told depression no. I told Satan no. I followed God and learned to love my body and every flaw about myself. I embraced life. I found the gym and we have been in a relationship since June of 2015... HE NEVER CHEATS? the gym taught me persistence, hope, consistance, and how to grow. I learned to take pain and use it to make myself stronger. It starts in your MIND! Change your mindset, pick up your feet, and get to the gym. WORKOUT PLAN IS COMING; i pinky promise it will launching AUGUST 1st!. ❤️ #YouCantGetTheAssYouWantBySittingOnIt ?

A post shared by Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) on

- Svoje noge vidim kao najjači adut i na njih sam ponosna. Sve počinje u mozgu, naučiti zavoleti sebe potpuno menja mentalitet. Otkako sam u tome uspela, mnogo sam srećnija i zdravija nego ikad - zaključuje Megan.


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